Wedding Date*
Day of Week* MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Name Bride or Person A*
Phone Number*
Email Address*
Address (if different) Address, City, State, ZIP*
Name Groom or Person B*
Do you have a Wedding Planner or Coordinator? If so, please give us his/her name, contact information, phone, email, website. If you do not have a coordinator and would like one, let us know and we can assist you. (We think everyone can benefit from a coordinator. They keep the most important day of your life on track and deal with the details so you and your family can be guests!)
Number of Guests Attending * Estimate, if not yet confirmed
Will there be a religious or special ceremony? * Ex: Catholic, Jewish, Sand Ceremony, Feet Washing Ceremony, Candle Lighting, etc. or N/A
Number of Female Attendants *
Number of Male Attendants *
Number of Flowers Girls *
Number of Ring Bearers *
Number of Mothers' Corsages *
Number of Fathers' Boutonnieres *
Additional Personal Flowers ex: Pet, Officiant, Reader, etc..
Ceremony Location * Name and address of venue / Location within venue
Ceremony Setting * IndoorOutdoor
Ceremony Start Time & End Time * XX : XX am/pm
Which do you desire? * Select all that apply Aisle DecorAltar DecorChuppahMandapArchCanopyOtherN/A
Cocktail Hour Location *
Cocktail Hour Setting * IndoorOutdoor
Cocktail Hour Start Time & End Time * XX : XX am/pm
Number of Cocktail Tables *
Cocktail Table Decor * What do you have in mind?
Reception Location * Name and address of venue (if different) / Location within venue
Reception Start Time & End Time xx:xx am/pm
Reception Setting * IndoorOutdoor
Number of Guest Tables *
Which of the following be incorporated in your Wedding? * Select all that apply Escort Card/Place Card TableGift TableGuest Sign-In TableSweetheart TableSweetheart Chair AdornmentsRoyal Table(s)Cake TableDessert/Candy TableHigh Top TablesLounge AreaPhoto Booth Prop Table Restroom Arrangements/DecorOtherN/A
Color Palette *
Metallic Element(s) * Select all that apply GoldSilverCopperBronzeN/A
Please specify your Floral Design & Wedding Decor Budget *
Your Wedding will be... * FormalSemi-FormalInformalCasual
Please select the word(s) that best describe your desired Wedding Style * Select all that apply RomanticBoldSoftArtsyClassicExoticTraditionalDynamicSimpleEclecticFlexibleCleanVintageRusticChicGlitz & GlamOrganicModernOther
Flowers You Like
Flowers You Dislike
Flower Allergies
Please tell us what you believe is your Wedding's most important element. *
Is there anything else you feel we should know about your Wedding Day? Please explain.
How did you hear about us? Who referred you? *
Preferred Method Of Contact * EmailCallText
Share your Wedding's Pinterest Board with us. If you have created a "Secret Board", follow Flowers Unveiled on Pinterest, and invite us to view your board! (